Kol Tribe of Odisha

People of Kol tribe are also found in Odisha states of India, in Keonjhar, Mayurbhanj, Balesore, more Kol tribe people live in Odisha, let’s know their culture and way of living. The people of Kol tribe in Odisha use Mundari language for colloquial purposes.

kol tribe baa Parab
Festival of Kol Tribe in Odisha

in this state Kol Tribal Peopel’s Major Festivals & Rituals are Magh Pudi, Baha Parab, Phul Bhaguni, Jamnan Parab, Makar, Asadhi Gamha

Kol Tribal Rituals & Festivals

Tribal people in Odisha Kol observe festivals like Maghapudi, Bapraba/Phoolbhaguni, Jamnamparab, Makara, Asadhi and Gama, celebrated in Magha (January–February) and September–October, post-harvest rituals of rice like new mangoes , use earrings of jackfruit and sal flowers.

Odisha Kol Tribal Marriage ritual's
Source: https://www.ostm.in/tribes_of_odisha/kol/
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